Mobile Essentials Приложения

Mobile Essentials
PointToPoint is the easiest navigation app youwill find on Android Market. It does not require data connection.Point To Point simply tells you how to go from point A to point Busing the fastest, direct route.PointToPoint is free and easy to use, with all required informationdisplayed at all times. It only takes 2 clicks on a button to saveyour location and one click on a button to be guided to last orsaved location.Use Point To Pint to remember where you parked your car, locationof your hotel, location of camping spot, when hiking, to be guidedto pre given coordinates, to save your favorite diving spots, spotsin nature and other outdoor activities... or any other location youwould like to return to later.PointToPoint enables you to:- save current GPS location- navigate from new location to saved location- store multiple locations and manage stored locations- enter location manually (coordinates)- get data about current location, altitude, speed- use compass to guide you to desired location- get data about distance to desired GPS coordinates and estimatedtime of arrival (ETA Time)- arrow points you to desired location- use either metric (km, m, Km/h) of imperial (ft, miles, mph)system of unitsHold your device parallel to the ground as you would hold a compassin navigation mode. Please make sure your phone's GPS is turned on!GPS does not work well in inside buildings. PointToPoint is bestused outdoors!
Sound Meter PRO
Mobile Essentials
Sound Meter PRO is professional sound meter for your Android.SoundMeter is also known as sound level meter, decibel meter (dBmeter),noise meter, sound pressure level meter (SPL meter). SoundMeterPRO uses your Android's microphone to measure levels of noiseorsound pressure levels and displays measured data in dB(decibels)with reference to generally known noise (provided byAmericanAcademy of Audiology) or displays the noise data on easy toreadgraph for the last 30 seconds of app use. Microphones inAndroiddevices are made to record human voice, therefore themaximum noiseis limited and very loud sounds cannot be recognized(in most casesabove 100dB). Sound Meter PRO is calibrated to beaccurate in +-2.5dB range of actual noise level and is probably byfar the mostaccurate sound meter on Google play. We have adjustedSound MeterPRO with the use of professional sound meter used bysoundengineers and made required adjustments for many Androiddevices,including the most popular devices on the market today.Levels ofNoise In decibels (dB) according to American Academy ofAudiology( 140 dB - Gun shots, fireworks 130 dB-Jackhammers, Ambulance 120 dB - Jet planes taking off 110 dB-Concerts, Car horns 100 dB - Snowmobiles 90 dB - Power tools 80dB- Alarm clocks 70 dB - Traffic, vacuums 60 dB - Normalconversation50 dB - Moderate rainfall 40 dB - Quiet library 30 dB -Whisper 20dB - Leaves rusting 10 dB – Breathing Why would you useSound MeterPRO? Measure the noise your neighbors make, check newcomputers,refrigerators, air conditioning units before your buythem fornoise levels and select the more quiet ones, to have lessnoisepollution in your home. Measure how loud your car, motorcycleis.Adjust the sound system for the party you are making to safelevelsnot to damage peoples hearing. Measure the noise in theapartment,house you are about to buy, it might be too noisy to livein anddemand for extra noise insulation. Measure your love onessnoringlevels and show them the graph after. Possibilities areendless,Sound Meter PRO is a must have app for every Androiddevice.
Bubble Level - Spirit Level
Mobile Essentials
Bubble level also known as spirit level is a free, handy,accurate,simple to use and incredibly useful tool for your Androiddevice. Aspirit level or bubble level is an instrument designed toindicatewhether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical(plumb). Vialson modern level meter have a slightly curved glasstube which isincompletely filled with a liquid, usually a coloredspirit oralcohol, leaving a bubble in the tube. At slightinclinations thebubble travels away from the center position, whichis usuallymarked. Bubble Level app tries to mimic the real levelmeter anddisplays the data as real level meter would. An extensionof thespirit level is the bull's eye level: a circular,flat-bottomeddevice with the liquid under a slightly convex glassface with acircle at the center. It serves to level a surfaceacross a plane,while the tubular level only does so in thedirection of the tube.Bubble Level app tries to mimic the realbull's eye level anddisplays the data as real bull's eye levelwould. Where any why useBubble Level? A bubble level is a deviceused in construction,carpentry and photography that determines ifobjects on whichyou're working are level. Used properly, a bubblelevel can helpyou create flawlessly level pieces of furniture,staircases andhomes. A bubble level is also helpful when setting upa tripod forphotographs or when hanging paintings or other items onthe wall.
Mobile Essentials
Stopwatch is the stopwatch in your pocket, when you need it,whereyou need it. Start recording time, stop recording time, savelaptimes, restart recording time, reset everything and muchmore.Stopwatch has the following functions: - Start - Stop -Restart -Lap - Reset Other features: - Simple to use, it only takesa clickto turn start recording your time Show unlimited amount oflaptimes - Professional design Large numbers and buttons Stopwatchcanrun in background by pressing “menu button” on your Android,“backbutton” exits application - Professional and optimized codingtokeep application size as small as possible, 0.2 MB, much smallerascompetitive apps on the market - NO unneeded features no use uses–just the important stuff :) - It’s FREE :) Try it out, youwilllove it!
Vibration Meter
Mobile Essentials
Vibration Meter, also known as seismograph, seismometermeasuresvibrations using your Android’s sensors and shows referencetoearthquake vibrations as classified by Mercalli intensityscale.Vibrations are shown in all directions: X, Y, Z indifferentcolors. Place your device on stable surface and measurevibrations.Mercalli intensity scale I. Instrumental - Not felt.Recorded byseismographs. II. Weak - Rarely felt, usually only ontop floors ofhigh buildings. III. Slight - Felt indoors, like apassing lighttruck. IV. Moderate - Windows, dishes, doors rattle.Like passingtrain. V. Rather Strong - Felt by all. Small objectsupset. VI.Strong - Books off shelves. Trees shake. Isolated damage.VII. VeryStrong - Difficult to stand. Many poor buildings damaged.VIII.Destructive - Significant damage. Branches broken from trees.IX.Violent - General panic. Serious damage. Ground cracking.X.Intense - Most buildings destroyed. Rails bent slightly.XI.Extreme - Rails bent greatly. Pipelines destroyed.XII.Catastrophic - Near total damage. Objects thrown into the air.